Friday, June 27, 2014

Conservative Fail

As Paul Krugman points out in today's NYT, most conservative media outlets have dropped coverage of Obamacare as it continues to succeed.   However, predictions of failure continue among conservative commenters.   Before the Limbaughs and the Fox news drumbeat of conservative (read bigoted) commentary on the day's news, right wing pundits were honest about their opposition to progressive ideas.  Their take on health care reform under Clinton was to stop it at all costs. The success of even moderate reforms would woo a generation of voters to the Democratic side and the bandwagon for limited government and tax cuts for the rich would suffer flat tires.   These men may have been cynical in their opposition, but at least they realized the reforms would work.  Today's tea party activists start from the viewpoint that nothing government does is good or competent, therefore healthcare cannot succeed no matter what the evidence to the contrary.  So the nightmare of conservatives will come true as the millennial generation realizes that indeed, government of the people, by the people and for the people can work.

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