Friday, February 14, 2014

Subaru weather

Subarus will be selling like hotcakes this weekend.   If I had a "headlight cam" on my trusty Forester this morning, it would have been a 60 MPH advertisement for all wheel drive.  I never saw a snow plow on Rt. 87, although to be fair the road was in fairly good shape considering the snowfall rate.   The Forester breezed past several small caravans poking along at 45 MPH and there were no "white knuckle" moments.  Settling in this morning, I saw Paul Krugman's column in the Times.  While not explicitly calling for a guaranteed income for all Americans, Mr. Krugman praised the legacy of Social Security and Medicare for lifting many seniors out of poverty and called for the extension of the social safety net to more, not less of the population.  I think the election of progressives like Elizabeth Warren and Bill Di Blasio and the writings of people like Krugman in mainstream papers are forcing politicians to confront the issue of economic inequality.  Much like the increase in acceptance of same sex marriage, the need to do something about the 1% and their increasing monopoly on the wealth of the country will gain momentum in the months and years to come.  Hopefully our grandchildren will wonder how the current gilded age was allowed to gain widespread acceptance.

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