Monday, February 3, 2014

Getting on with Winter

Well, the weather was very nice for a Sunday in February in New Jersey.  That was the story.  Certainly the hapless Broncos were not.   It looks like Eli will have Super Bowl bragging rights for the forseeable future in the Manning family.  As I was driving home after attending a Super Bowl party, a commenter on the radio was talking about the late Pete Seeger who died late last week.  I doubt he would have been cheering either team in the Meadowlands.  He might have been outside the stadium protesting the waste of money which might have alleviated suffering somewhere else.  Or he might have protested the use of non union workers at concession stands.  He certainly would not have been cheering the sight of oversized men chasing a leather ball around.  While most everyone agrees we need the occasional diversion, it seems we are starting to imitate the latter stages of the Roman Empire where bread and circuses were used by the ruling class to keep the plebeians from protesting the steadily worsening economic conditions.  Perhaps we need more Pete Seegers and fewer Al Michaels.  Meanwhile, we have reached the halfway point for winter and it can't be over soon enough for me.

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