Thursday, February 13, 2014

Stormy Weather

As the east coast struggles with yet another storm, it seems like winter will never end.  The thermometer read 5 degrees this morning an I actually felt it was a heat wave compared to yesterday's -15 start.  Another 6-10 inches of snow is predicted today with more on the horizon for next week.  This kind of weather is similar to a heat wave in the summer.  It saps the joy out of life and makes each day a slog.   The veg markets are totally demoralized, from FOB producers to the terminal markets.  Prices remain so low that discing the crop is in many cases the best economic outcome.  Meanwhile, the chain stores continue to make their 30% markup, resulting in prices discouraging consumers from purchasing more green stuff.  Depressed people, depressed prices, it's a recipe for a long cold winter.

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