Thursday, February 20, 2014

Feeling Lionized

Based on the long range forecast for next week, I think March will come in like the proverbial king of beasts.   Snow, sub-zero temps and overall miserable weather will make it feel like January again.  And that's the good news on the NCR.  For political junkies at least, the election season is heating up.  The Republican party in the 21st district is salivating over the retirement of Bill Owens, a Democrat who decided the current dysfunctional congress will not be improving any time soon.  A more cynical take is that after two hard fought battles, the 64 year old has decided to cash in on the contacts he has undoubtedly made.  It's hard to blame him if that is the case; being a back bencher in the minority party in the House is like warming the bench on your junior high baseball team.  Meanwhile, the Repubs think this district is theirs for the taking.  But a funny thing happened on the way to a swearing in.  There are four or five candidates who will be duking it out in the primaries and the bloodied winner will probably face a united Democratic party nominee who will have several months to define himself and his challenger.  Also, the district demographics are changing.  The older, white constituency which had a 100 year republican lean is slowly becoming younger and more urban.   While there is still a drain of young people away from the North Country, there is also an infusion of outsiders who come here for the wide open spaces and recreational opportunities.  It will be an interesting race.

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