Friday, February 7, 2014

Let's cut to the chase

Work and a severe cold conspired to limit blogging.  Now, on to the rant.   The employment numbers are in and it is not impressive.  The talking heads and congressional leaders shake their heads and say we should do better, but no one is willing to spend money to get it done.  Our infrastructure is crumbling, we are about to give away the store on trade with the Trans Pacific "Partnership" and millions of people are losing their extended unemployment compensation along with the last shreds of their self respect.   We can change that.  Just give every citizen over the age of 18 a guaranteed annual income sufficient to meet the poverty level along with health care.   Sure, a certain number of people would not work if they could collect poverty wages.  But then they probably aren't working now.  And those who are working at Mcjobs would tell their employer to take that job and shove it.  All of a sudden, fast food, retail and service sector jobs would have to pay two or three times what they do now.   How would we pay for this?   Go back to the marginal tax rates of the 1950s.  That would take care of inequality too.   Any questions?

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