Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Won't get fooled again

The (hopefully) last scion of the Bush family is making the rounds of morning and evening news shows to gauge the public tolerance for another presidential campaign.  I sure hope the collective Bronx cheer he will no doubt be hearing around the country convinces him to spare us three years of bloviation about what he feels the country needs.  The entitlement the Bushes seem to feel regarding their place in the national debate is breathtaking to say the least.  Aside from the first Bush who was at least a veteran and a long serving member in the intelligence services, the family is a virtual advertisement for intergenerational privilege.  The  W. and Jeb have been living off the old man's legacy since their prep school days.  The media is still treating the former Florida governor like a serious candidate.  As usual, tone deaf to the majority of the country, both left and right who would like forget about the family.  Let's hope they get the message.

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