Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sun, Sand and Snow

As I write this post in the air conditioned comfort of our room in Playa Del Carmen, I see we are having a winter storm on the NCR.  I hope the offspring will be OK, but it won't  be fun out there if we get as much snow as they are predicting.  Last year at this time I had already planted spinach and most of the cold frames were starting spring crops.  I guess there will be continued hiccups in this climate change thing.  At least it is warm and sunny here on the Riviera Maya.  Which brings me to the guilty part of this post.  While the divine Mrs. M and myself will certainly enjoy this little break from an otherwise bleak March, we are also treading heavily in the matter of carbon footprints.  I realize there are millions of other air travelers heading all over the world every day, heedless of the damage they are inflicting on future generations, but if everyone stopped traveling at the same time due to concerns over climate change, what would happen?   Certainly the global economy would grind to a halt and millions more would suffer as their country's economy collapsed.  So do we keep adding millions of tons of carbon to the atmosphere and ensuring a global climate catastrophe at some point in the future, or do we ignore what we are doing in the face of the evidence.  Unfortunately, mankind has been doing this for thousands of years.  It is only now that we have reached populations which can render the ecosphere uninhabitable for future generations.  We can't just move to a different area and continue on our heedless way.  There is only one spaceship earth.

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