Monday, March 11, 2013

Daylight spending time

I'm not sure how much we save by moving the clocks ahead so early in March.  Yes, it is lighter at 6 p.m., but this morning it felt like January all over again as I hit the road.  Here in the North Country it is looking like mud season here, so there is little to be done outside until the frost is out of the ground.  Fortunately, the soil is warming rapidly and rain is forecast for tomorrow.  Maybe a little evening daylight will not be a bad thing...  I covered the cold frames this weekend, so the soils will warm and the onions, cabbage, broccoli and other hardy crops can be started later this week.  Transplanted the snapdragons, celery and rosemary indoors, and saw the first crocus pushing above ground on Saturday.  The last snow should be melted after tomorrow's rain, which will make spring more of a reality than a wish.

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