Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Another beautiful day here in Mexico as well as on the NCR.  The difference being 85 degrees here and more like 25 back home, along with 10 inches of snow.  It would seem old man winter doesn't want to loosen his grip even though the spring equinox is tomorrow.  The garden will have to wait until I get back, but it looks like I'm not missing anything in that department.  The fresh vegetables available at the resort we are staying at are at once beautiful and troubling.  As we flew into Quintana Roo state and the airport at Cancun the other day, it didn't take an ag expert to realize there is very little production of food in this area.   The scrubby tropical forest is an indicator the soil is very poor.  Anytime  you can see the underlying soils, it appears to be sand and rock.   I think almost all the food consumed in this area is imported from other areas of Mexico.   Another carbon footprint to add to the bill vacationers rack up on trips to this paradise.

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