Wednesday, March 27, 2013

There and back again

Dragging myself reluctantly back to the "real" world is an exercise which becomes more difficult as the years roll by.  The inspiration for this blog, my old mentor in the produce business always said he would have to retire when the exigency of the truth overwhelmed his ability to keep perspective.  In other words, he felt a morbid desire to tell the unvarnished  truth to customers.  As anyone in this or any other business will tell you, the myriad minor adjustments to reality which we all make every day is the lubricant which keeps things going smoothly. No farmer has an ugly child, no receiver ever tells a lie regarding the quality of merchandise he received. The check is in the mail.   It's how we all get through the day.  Here's hoping I can continue to resist the siren call of total candor.

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