Tuesday, April 19, 2011

U.S. Government and the Ag World

This may be a stretch, but the current fuss about the long term U.S. debt looks a lot like the unsustainable agriculture practiced my many, if not most farms in the country today.  What both systems do is keep borrowing, the country from foreigners and the farms from the soil.  Both are depleting their credit and will have to deal with the consequences some day.  As I write this, farmers all over the midwest are bulldozing windbreaks and grassed waterways to plant the maximum amount of land in corn and soybeans.  Megatons of midwest soil will be washed into the Mississippi and wind up in the Gulf of Mexico and overall fertility of the cornbelt will continue to decline.   The government is doing the same thing with our credit in the world.  Both systems need to increase inputs and diversify; i.e. conserve the soil and take care of the citizens.  Unfortunately, the farmers are trapped in a soil eroding paradigm and the government in a people eroding, tax cutting scheme.  Neither system is sustainable.

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