Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter renewal

Having done the Catholic school thing from grades 1-8, Easter is burned into my DNA.  From Sister Esther in first grade to Sister Therese Rosaire in 8th, my fellow sufferers and I were hammered with the crucifixion and the resurrection from the first Sunday in Advent, through the holy days until the glorious event.  Little did I know that almost every major religion has a hero who sacrifices his life for his people and is resurrected as an example of what prayer (and a little gelt for the religious authorities) can do for you.  And naturally, this rite takes place with spring as the backdrop.  The earth comes back to life after winter, etc.  I think the Jesus who actually lived, as opposed to the one who is forced upon us, would be horrified to see what the average evangelical megachurch is espousing in his name on this holiest of Sundays.

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