Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Time to eat your veggies

What's happening out there in America?  The farm gate price of almost every vegetable in America is falling like Glenn Beck's ratings on Fox.  A month ago, 24 ct cello lettuce was $36.00/case FOB California.  Now it is $6.00/case and buyers are scarce on the ground.  Ditto celery, romaine, and broccoli.  Unfortunately, these prices are not reflected at the grocery store.  This drives customers away which leads to further price cuts and an unvirtuous circle is reinforced.  It is the type of downward spiral which makes a produce broker despair.  But enough of gloom;  the east coast savoy spinach deal is about to start.  Fresh, local and good for you.  It's  the trifecta of the produce world.  Coming soon to a store near you.

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