Tuesday, June 13, 2023

White Bronco Syndrome

       At least one cable network is covering the tRump indictment for misuse of classified records as if O J Simpson was still riding a white Bronco into the sunset.  On the one hand, evidence of his criming is supposedly so overwhelming that xxxL orange jumpsuits should be on order.  On the other hand, there are seemingly an infinite number of tiny loopholes Donny Two Scoops can wriggle through to freedom.  Which is it?  

      I have a feeling a tiny number of protestors will show up in Miami today; about equal numbers from either side and then the legal maneuvering will begin.  There is a limit to the attention span of even the most rabid followers of MSNBC.   A full fledged discussion of the color of the shoes the defendant is wearing just won't keep me watching the endless commercials that are part of the process.   On to Atlanta!!!!!!

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