Monday, June 12, 2023

Once Again

      Over the weekend, the disgraced, twice impeached former president resorted once again to his favorite rhetorical strategy when dealing with his perceived political opponents.  Projection, also known as ascribing your own actions to others, is a helluva drug, and tRump used it to assure his supporters they should believe him and not their lying eyes when it comes to the evidence the government presented to a grand jury.

     The ironic part of this whole fiasco is tRump is being charged under a bill he signed in 2018 which sought to protect classified documents by raising the conduct he exhibited toward said documents to felony status.  Hoist by his own petard!

     Next up is Fulton County prosecutor Fani Wells probable indictment of tRump for trying to subvert the 2020 election in Georgia.  The hits keep coming.

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