What do the deaths of James Watt and Pat Robertson have to do with tRump's indictment and the Canadian wildfires causing yellow skies over NYC. It's a complicated tale in some ways, but relatively simple in others.
Watt was Reagan's Secretary of the Interior and until his disgraced exit from that egregious administration he was a leading advocate for the rape of natural resources in the west. He even went so far as putting up a list of national parks to be decertified. You can draw a straight line from Watt and his advocacy of fossil fuel interests to climate change and the aforementioned Canadian wildfires.
Pat Robertson is another piece of work. Unable to pass the bar exam after college graduation he decided instead to go into the religious grift. He was vastly successful in this endeavor and was one of the first televangelists. He set the stage for the rise of the white supremacist, christian right wing political movement which spawned tRump and his many imitators. Hopefully, tRump will be held accountable for his many crimes by the multiple indictments Federal, state and local prosecutors are churning out. Meanwhile, I'm sure Satan is greeting Robertson warmly, shall we say!
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