Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent by both parties on the 2022 elections and only a precious few contests were affected by the prolific amounts of cash. For instance, in Florida, Val Demings raised and spent nearly 72 million dollars and was overwhelmed by Marco Rubio. Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, Mandela Barnes will probably lose to Ron (dumbest man in the Senate) Johnson by less than one point as he was swamped by an October ad blitz which he could not respond to.
Most of the races Dems won were powered by younger voters and women who see Republicans for what they are, tribunes for the wealthy and those who believe in the culture war issues, namely the evangelical and reactionary base of the party. The enthusiasm of younger voters will be tested again in two years as the GOP bids for a veto proof majority in the Senate. Traditionally, aging voters tend to be more "conservative" and Republicans are counting on that and appeals to black and Latino men to bolster their numbers in the face of demographic destiny. I hope this will hold, otherwise things will become rather grim.
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