Thursday, November 17, 2022

Media complicity

      I'm not a big consumer of weekend political TV.  Most of the hosts on the major networks seem to prefer Republicans as guests.   the excuse when the GOP is out of power is we need to hear what the opposition is thinking.  When Republicans are in power we need to hear what they will do with the power.  Funny how that doesn't seem to work for Democrats in either case.  Most Democrats want to talk about boring policy issues, while most Republicans want to throw red meat to their base.  Easy choice.

      Most Mainstream media are fluffing Ron DeSantis, the mini-tRump governor  of Florida.  He is seen as an alternative to tRump, although he projects the same in your face politics as the twice impeached failed former president.   The media is looking for the next Republican Daddy.  Dog help us all.

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