Friday, November 4, 2022

Scary times for democracy

       The Republican candidate for governor of Wisconsin stated at a rally that Republicans will never lose another election in the state if he is elected.  The state is roughly split between Democrats and Republicans, but thanks to gerrymandering the GOP is practically guaranteed a majority in the state legislature even if they get less than 50% of the vote.   This is the model Republicans in other states will pursue.

       As former president Obama has stated it is not farfetched to picture the American experiment with pluralistic democracy die in the short term if Republicans gain control of more state legislatures in the run up to the 2024 elections.  Just as the Jim Crow laws in the south led to 90 years of authoritarian rule by white supremacists, voter suppression laws have the potential to lock in GOP majorities for years to come.   The threat is real and we need to take it seriously.

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