Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Once and Future..

       So, Donald J. tRump promised yesterday to torment us for the next 2 years with his relentlessly anti-democratic brand of politics.  Calling our country a "cesspool full of blood" (does he really believe this stuff?) he vowed to do something about it, although the pundits who sat through the bloviation were not entirely sure what that something was.

      Barring some unforeseen economic catastrophe, America will be in far better shape in 2024 as all the nationwide infrastructure projects kick in, inflation worries recede and the Biden administration continues to support policies helpful to the middle class.  Aside from the 30% of Republican voters who continue to drink the Kool Aid the rest of the country has moved on.  He may well garner the GOP presidential nomination, but his candidacy will be an unmitigated disaster for the party.

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