Thursday, September 8, 2022

when they come for you

      I was never a big fan of CNN.  From its inception as the brainchild of Ted Turner it seemed the network could never decide whether it stood for anything besides ratings.  This policy reached its apex in 2016 when CNN was all Trump, all the time.  Jeff Zucker saw tRump as ratings gold and covered virtually every utterance from Cheeto Jesus as if it was the sermon on the mount.

     Gradually, as the failed former president's anti democratic agenda became apparent, many of the network's anchors and reporters began reporting the truth.  As far as I was concerned it was too little and too late.   Many felt the same way and the ratings declined vis a vis Fox News and MSNBC who remained consistent in their coverage of the right's anti  democratic tendencies; Fox cheerleading and MSNBC reporting the right's agenda with increasing hysteria.

      CNN's leaders have chosen a doomed path.  You cannot defend journalistic integrity while at the same time pandering to the right wing and its propaganda outlet.  When the brown shirts come for CNN, who will defend the network?   

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