Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Another one bites the dust

         The home of modern day facism, Italy, voted an acolyte of Benito Mussolini into power on Monday in a stunning rebuke of democracy.  Georgia Meloni, whose Brotherhood of Italy will be the major party in a coalition government, has made complimentary remarks regarding Mussolini, calling him a good politician who worked for Italy.

       It remains to be seen if Meloni tries to emulate the path taken by Viktor Orban in Hungary and saves the forms of democracy while killing its substance.   Mussolini's brand of facism was an authoritarian dictatorship complete with secret police and control of the media.  As most of us know, this did not end well, but it took a world war to turn Italians away from Il Duce.  And by the way, the trains did not run on time.

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