Tuesday, September 6, 2022

We were warned

      In an egregiously worded decision, a tRump appointed judge approved the twice impeached failed ex-president's request for a "special master" to review the document taken from Mar a Lago by the FBI.  The judge, whose main qualification for the job would seem to be obeisance to Cheeto Jesus is allowing justice to be delayed once again.   I'm betting tRump gets himself another 6 months of delay.  Hopefully the DOJ will appeal the ruling.  However, the court which will decide any appeal has a majority of tRump appointed judges.

    Mitch McConnell, the gravedigger of democracy, spent his entire time as majority leader confirming as many judges with partisan leanings as possible.   This spree is now bearing fruit for Republicans and tRump in particular.  There is virtually no respect for the rule of law by today's Republican party.  WTF!!

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