Friday, January 21, 2022

The Banality of tRump

          If  you follow the liberal side of cable news, it would seem the sky is falling in on the disgraced , twice impeached failed former president.  Everyone from New York's attorney general to the Fulton County prosecutor in Atlanta seems to have the goods on tRump and it's only a matter of time before he does the perp walk.

       I'm betting virtually the opposite is being spouted by conservative media outlets.   In the classic he said, she said, Faux News, OAN and Newsmax are probably painting a picture of a smiling, avuncular man who is being persecuted with a false narrative.

      The truth of the matter is incidental.  The larger picture is the erosion of belief in government, the rule of law and election integrity.   According to Hannah Arendt, that is exactly what happened in Germany as the Nazis rose to power.   She called it the Banality of Evil.   We, on the other hand have the personification of the evil she spoke of.   

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