Monday, January 24, 2022

Icons, old and new

        After a sleepy regular season which led to stories of the sport's decline, the past weekend's playoff games kindled new interest among casual fans, including myself.   It also showcased rising stars and two fading icons, Aaron Rogers and Tom Brady.

       Rogers' Green Bay Packers lost to the San Fransisco 49's on a last second field goal.  Once again, Rogers fell short in a big game and is probably headed to another team as a hired gun in the waning days of his career.

       Tom Brady on the other hand is probably headed to retirement after more than 20 NFL seasons.  Unarguably the greatest QB in the league's history, Brady's furious comeback against the LA Rams came up short.    He may come back, but I doubt it.

      Meanwhile, Patrick Mahomes and Josh Allen of the KC Chiefs and Buffalo Bills, respectively played a final 2 minutes for the ages.   They combined for 25 points in the last 2 minutes.   They ended in a tie and KC, getting the nod for first possession scored a touchdown.  The arcane NFL rules regarding ties gave the win to KC.   As my future son-in law posted on Facebook, it was a shame someone had to lose the game.

      Mahomes, Allen and Cincinatti's Joe Burrow showcased their talents and provided a glimpse of the league's future.   I am actually  looking forward to next weekend and the Conference championships.

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