Thursday, January 20, 2022

Focusing on the ephemeral

       Focusing on a 2 hour press conference instead of the many problems facing the country is probably not the best use of a person's time, but it is the nature of the political circus we now refer  to as government in this country.   If the presser was supposed to be a test of Joe Biden's mental state ( and many of the reporters who attended obviously thought it was), he passed it with flying colors.   

      Biden handled tough and ridiculous questions with a dignity his predecessor never displayed and for the most part came out on top of the exchanges with a mostly hostile media.    Picture yourself at a podium for nearly 2 hours with  questioners trying to make you fail.   I certainly wouldn't have done so well.  

     However, if you were looking for clarity and accountability I doubt you would have found it in last night's spectacle.   

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