Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Sunshine and lollipops

       It seems the whole roster of Beltway pundits have soured on the Biden administration.   Of course, any Republican who ever said a kind word about the president is counted as a "staunch" ally.   Therefore, any criticism by them is taken as wholesale abandonment.

      As the stock market sinks, the Russians apply pressure on Ukraine and the drumbeat of inflation fears continue along with the omicron avalanche sweeping the country, Biden has little good news on the horizon to keep the wolves at bay.   Dwelling on the successes of the past year is fruitless in a "what have you done for me lately" world.   Meanwhile, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have torpedoed any chance at voting rights legislation and the BBB bill.   It's getting ugly out there.   It's time to start promising sunshine, lollipops and ponies for the midterms.

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