Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Smoking guns, saws, etc.

As per usual, the widely anticipated sentencing memo from the Special Counsel's Office (SCO) was pretty much a dud as regards new information about the crimes and misdemeanors committed by the tRump administration.  The SCO basically recommended zero jail time for Flynn, the originator or at least the most vocal cheerleader of the "Lock her up" chant which was ubiquitous at tRump campaign rallies.  The memo commended Flynn for his cooperation, noting the SCO got everything they needed from him.   Much of the memo was redacted, indicating the investigations into at least 4 areas were ongoing.  This included a criminal investigation no one seemed to know about.  If you thought Mueller and his team were going to show the public a roadmap of their investigation, you would have been severely disappointed.  If on the other hand you are legitimately a target of the SCO, I would image you are terrified by the number of blacked out lines in the report.  It seems Flynn spilled his guts, but the auguries will have to wait.  In the meantime, the CIA spilled what it knows regarding the horrific execution of a US resident by Saudi Arabia and it doesn't look good for MBS, the crown prince of said monarchy.  Despite the "Maybe he did, maybe  he didn't" BS spouted by The Donald, it looks like the Senate may have something to say regarding our relations with this band of thugs.  And so it goes....

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