Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Is this the endgame

It is liable to be more like the last 2 minutes of an NBA playoff game.  Endless fouls and free throws interspersed with commercials and prolix commentary which turns the putative 2 minutes into a half hour of boredom before the result is known.  We are in for another year of investigation, leaks, punditry and speculation.  By the time Cheeto Jesus resigns in disgrace rather than face near certain impeachment and conviction, both democrats and republicans will be exhausted.  In the reporting the latest news of the Mueller investigation, the MSM is breathlessly predicting the imminent revelation of the silver bullet which proves conspiracy between the tRump campaign and Russia, while Faux News and Rush Limbaugh dismiss the special counsel's efforts as a nothingburger.  The last 2 minutes are about to begin.

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