Thursday, December 6, 2018

History's verdict

The gushing eulogies for G.H.W. Bush continue, including a national day of mourning.  Pundits and popular historians continue the glowing retrospectives of the great man and his place in history.  One little known episode during his term in the White House may eventually overwhelm all of his other accomplishments and shortfalls when and if there are still historians to document the past.  It would appear that the specter of climate change was already on the minds of scientists around the world in the late 1980s.   Margaret Mead, the noted anthropologist had convened  conference calling for reduced carbon emissions with the goal of ending mankind's dependence on fossil fuels.  The head of the EPA was on board and was ready to take the lead at a climate conference in Europe.  However, his mission was derailed by John Sununu, Poppy Bush's chief of staff and one of the first denier's of anthropomorphic climate change.  That alone will taint Bush's legacy for all time.

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