Friday, December 7, 2018

Finally done

With the final planting of the Bush family patriarch, a few people are starting to resurrect the corpse of the Shrub's presidency and trying to burnish his image.  Of course there is no whitewashing the war of choice W. and his merry band of nihilists foisted on the American public after 9/11.  Besides the more than 4000 service members killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan fiascos, probably more than 400,000 Iraqis and Afhans have perished so far.  This is war criminality on a scale comparable to Hitler and Stalin.  And for what.  Bush's actions have de-stabilized the Middle East for a generation and served as a potent recruiting tool for anti American terrorists.  Thanks to Dick Cheney, the Darth Vader of that administration, we spent another 8 years blithely loading the atmosphere with CO2.  This will cost posterity incalculable dollars to ameliorate amid the degradation of our environment.  So, don't tell me the Shrub was a good man.  When he is planted, there will be numerous footprints on the grave as perform a Dance Macabre.

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