Thursday, March 26, 2015

This and That

We had a Harry Chapin moment on the NCR on Tuesday!  If you are familiar with the L.I. folk singer, he had a string of hits in the 70's and 80s before an untimely car accident killed him.  One of his catchier ballads was the story of a tractor trailer driver delivering a load of bananas to Scranton, Pa. and the consequences of ignoring the road signs cautioning a steep decline.  Well, we had our own version of "30,000 pounds of Bananas" near Keesville, NY on Tuesday.  An unlicensed driver hauling a load of the tasty fruit to Montreal said he reached for something in the cab of his tractor and lost control of the truck which rolled down an embankment, struck a tree and a boulder before coming to a stop.  The rock popped the trailer open, strewing the contents all over the hillside.  At least in this case, the driver avoided the fate assigned to Chapin's protagonist.  He was treated and released at the local hospital, but his problems are just beginning.  Meanwhile, there will be cereal bowls in Montreal without bananas this weekend.  In other news of note, I transplanted the seedlings of snapdragons, eggplant and peppers to larger quarters in the basement last night.  I feels good to have my fingers in the dirt again.

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