Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Filling the Clown Car

All that was missing on the stage at Liberty University yesterday were the floppy shoes and the red rubber nose.  Ted Cruz is running for president!   By jumping in early, Cruz hopes to get a jump on his fellow clowns.  At stake is the support of early donors, increased media attention and possibly the driver's seat in the 2016 edition of the republican clown car.   Cruz won't be lonely for long.  The Donald, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush and a host of minor players will soon be jostling for attention and money.  Most Americans won't pay much attention at this stage of the cycle, so Cruz, et. al. will be practicing their laugh lines on the hard core partisans of the base and the political junkies who cover this story.  Deporting millions of immigrants, stripping the EPA and IRS of any ability to protect Americans or collect taxes and depriving millions of the hard earned health insurance they gained under Obamacare are just a few of the plans Cruz and the rest of the merry men will be spewing over the nation's airwaves during the summer months.  Pass the earplugs and give me a double shot of Prestone....please.

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