Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Climate change and the Presidency

On his website VOX, Ezra Klein makes a good case for an Al Gore presidency.  Disregarding the fact he already won the popular vote once, Klein argues not so much for an ultimate win, but at least a chance for the serious issue of climate change to be aired before the next election.  Many scientists are now arguing that the human race may not survive a 4 degree rise in global temperature.  Do we hear anything like this from the nascent Clinton campaign?  The republican candidates are a joke when it comes to climate change.  We are more likely to see a snowball fight on the senate floor than a realistic debate on global temperature unless someone of Gore's standing with his name recognition drags the other candidates to the table.  With his personal baggage and wooden style, it is unlikely he will win the Democratic nomination, but by injecting his take on issues, he will certainly make the eventual nominee more responsive to the coming challenges a changing climate will force on all of us.

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