Friday, March 27, 2015

Confidence rising

Despite the rise of the value of the American dollar, confidence in the long moribund economy is steadily rising.   California, the bête noir of conservatives has created more jobs than Texas and in general, the tax raising, socially sensitive blue states are in general doing better than red state America.   Obamacare is helping lower medical costs and the national debt, but that news gets scant coverage at Faux News or the MSM in general.  Instead we psychoanalyze a dead German pilot endlessly to figure why he crashed a planeload of people into the French Alps.  However, as much as republicans would like to deny it, the economy and people's attitude toward it are both improving as we head toward the elections of 2016.  Besides, the Kenyan, Marxist usurper won't be on the ballot next year and that will remove much of the energy from the racist GOP base.  It will be much harder to demonize Hilary, especially when the Big Dog is campaigning along side her to become the nation's "first gentleman".  I believe that is the ultimate republican nightmare; a nation eager to embrace the Clintons again.

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