Friday, March 7, 2014

South Winds

It was a balmy 15 degrees when I stepped out of my car this morning.  While that may seem cold to many people, it was 25 degrees warmer than yesterday.   The forecast is for a high of 37 today.  It's time to break out the shorts and flip-flops!   Checking my crops in the basement last night showed most of them up and growing.  I'll transplant them into individual cells this coming weekend and keep them growing on inside until mid April whcn they can go out to the cold frames and finally into the garden by mid to late May.  That's the plan, but of course, many things can go wrong between now and then.  Gardening, like life, is fraught with challenges, but as in life the rewards can also be outsized.  The Divine Mrs. M and I have cultivated out life's garden and it looks like our first grandchild will arrive at about the same time as some of these basement flowers are blooming in the garden.   Welcome additions in both cases and harbingers of the bounty to come.   Meanwhile, we anticipate warmer weather and more daylight as March gives way to April and spring.

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