Friday, March 14, 2014

saber rattling

As Russian troops mass at the Ukrainian border and the talking heads wring their hands with John McCain, it looks like the shoe is firmly on the other foot.   In the run up to the Iraq war, as I recall, Russia was on the side of the angels, counseling patience and warning of dire consequences.  While the current Russian state may not be the equal of the West in economic or military power, it far eclipses the Yeltsin led corrupt shell of the Soviet Union.   Had the Russia of 2002 had the petro dollars and military power of its contemporary self available, we might have thought harder before invading Iraq, although looking at the Bushies, I doubt it.  I only hope the Russkies are smarter than the Americans in 2002.  Otherwise, we will be in for Cold War redux, with all the attendant fears of nuclear holocaust.

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