Thursday, March 13, 2014

Digging out

Paul Ryan and I were both digging out this morning.  Me from a 10 inch snowfall and he from the racist dog whistle he was blowing at his supposed base.   It was a lot easier blowing snow, I think.  Ryan's assertion there is a culture of non-work in the inner cities (read "lazy black men") is just another attempt to pit the poor and working classes against each other to the detriment of their interests.   When he tried to walk back this too blatant racism, he claimed he was against poverty everywhere, including rural areas where there were no jobs.  So now, white poverty is equated with no opportunity while black poverty is a culture of laziness.  I am wondering how he will answer the inevitable questions regarding this dichotomy.  The cluelessness of the modern Republican party is breathtaking.

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