Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Gender roles for the future

NPR had an interesting discussion of gender roles as the millennial generation begins to take the reins from their parents and become the standard bearers of social mores.  The woman being interviewed had written a book describing her struggles to have a full time career and manage home, children and spousal expectations.  Having done a similar scenario with the Divine Mrs.M, I was interested to hear a different take on the balancing act required to satisfy all parties.  The major difference was the insistence by the woman that her career should have equal importance with her husband's. I have a feeling it didn't always work that way.  Each generation since the 50's has re-defined gender stereotypes and despite a ferocious rear guard action, there is more and more equality in career and child raising between the sexes.  Especially now when the woman is generally more educated and career oriented than the man.  The pendulum is still swinging and the near future will feature Mr. Mom as often as Mrs.  It's a brave new world my grandchildren will inherit.

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