Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tiptoeing past the graveyard

The aftermath of superstorm Sandy has led to predictable and also some unpredictable postscripts.  Along with all the reporting of loss of life, damage to property and potential losses caused by the storm, some commenters were actually, if diffidently bringing up the 500 lb. gorilla in the room; namely, climate change.  In this rabidly anti-science 21st century America, even the 97% of climate scientists who agree on the manmade nature of global warming can be shouted down by a college dropout who rants daily on talk radio.  That such a profoundly stupid man can shape the national dialogue is a sad footnote in the story of our decline as a nation.  Meanwhile, the voices of sanity are starting to sound albeit tentatively regarding the long term dangers of climate change.  When the corporate overlords of weather outlets such as the weather channel stop muzzling their employees, there will be educated counterbalances to gas bags like Limbaugh.  In the meantime, the government needs to educate citizens regarding the catastrophe we face and to lead efforts to combat the pernicious effects of greenhouse gases on our biosphere.  It may be too late to avert some of the consequences, but to not attempt amelioration would be suicidal.  Meanwhile, I hope to get next year's garlic crop in the ground this weekend.

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