Monday, October 8, 2012

Hanging on

Still picking cucumbers and stringbeans in October here on the NCR.  I even found a 20 lb. watermelon in the weeds while picking up winter squash on Saturday.  It is amazing the frost is hold ing off for as long as it has.  If we dodge it tonight we will probably be good until Friday, although at this point, there is not a whole lot of frost susceptable veg out there.  The tomatoes are still green and trying to grow, but the ripening process is agonizingly slow and most of the ripe ones are cracking.  The peppers made a new set when it started to rain again, but they will never get large enough to pick.   That leaves the crucifers, spinach, beets, carrots, lettuce and other hardy stuff to keep things interesting as the month progresses.  The long range forecast is for above normal temps, so if the rain will hold off, there is still plenty of gardening to be done before winter closes in.

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