Monday, October 1, 2012

New Life in old places

Dug some potatoes on Sunday.  The interesting part of the story is they were green and growing, some 4 months after planting.  The vines never died an actually are putting on a second set of small potatos.  I harvested the sweet potatos also.  Some vines had virtually nothing underneath, while others had several 2 lb. tubers.  I think with adequate rainfall I would have had quite a few more usable sweets.  As they say, it's a learning process.  Still no frost predicted until this Sunday, so the beans, tomatoes and lettuce will continue to grow.  the cauliflower is finally starting to head up.  There are a few showing and more are starting to grow.  It has been a struggle for crucifers this year.  The rain has continued off and on for several days now and the soil is almost saturated, to the point I am starting to worry about planting garlic in mud later this fall.  I hope it is not the case, but the way the seasons have played out, nothing will surprise me.

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