Friday, October 19, 2012

Rain, Rain, go away

I should bite my tongue, but this is ridiculous.  The garlic needs to be planted and the last of the fall veg needs to mature, but all of a sudden, it's the rainy season here on the NCR.  I'm sure we are closing in on our average rainfall for the year.  Too bad it is all concentrated in the time period we need it least.  The fall leaf season was mostly a washout, and now farmers with beans and corn in the field are starting to sweat, as conditions become more and more muddy.  With no heavy freezes predicted, the going will get tougher.  Vegetable growers trying to get potatoes and carrots into storage before the freeze are also nervous as the days slide by and the showers keep coming.   I know I will regret the title of this post next July, but WTF.

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