Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday's Child

Is full of grace.  Monday's is fair of face.  Tuesday is certainly mild here in the North Country.  We should top 60 today and everything in the garden that still has a pulse is responding.  Unfortunately, the winter crop of chickweed is off to a roaring start.  If I had a week off with weather like this, I would put all the gardens in shape for next year, but I doubt either condition will be met anytime soon.  So it will be the usual struggle next spring.  There doesn't seem to be any movement  for Thanksgiving in the wholesale markets.  Nothing compared to the excitement generated by the holiday as recently as the 1980s.  All the growers and shippers looked to Thanksgiving as the kickoff event of the winter season.  Potatoes, cauliflower, spinach, etc. all jumped with demand.  Now, the fourth Thursday in November is a big yawn on the calender.  Christmas is coming....

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