Sunday, November 6, 2011

Non Produce Busy

Nothing much to report on the produce or gardening front.  Temps dropped to the mid 20's on Sat. night, but not too much damage to what is left in the garden.  Everything hardy is acclimatized to the cold, so if it stays above 20 at night, the harvest will continue.  As I was preparing a new bed for asparagus next spring, I noticed the last planting of cilantro was still hanging in.  It is amazing how these plants survive.  The neighborhood deer has found my carrot patch and is devouring the foliage.  I hope he doesn't figure out how to paw the carrots out.    With EST kicking in, I'll have to use a flashlight to harvest the veggies for dinner from now on.  It is pretty dark out by 5:30.  Other than that, it was a busy weekend; concert, garage cleaning and maybe the last golf of the season.  As Mrs. M says, "We'll see about that".  And I guess we will.

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