Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Party may be over

We have a winter weather advisory here on the NCR.  The temp this morning was 20 degrees, and now the weatherman says we may get up to 5 inches of the white stuff.  I'm sure there will be some damage on most of the remaining items available in the garden.  I covered as much as I could in the dark last night, but I'm sure I missed some stuff.  PLus it was already in the 20s when I started and any leaves I brushed were breaking like green glass.  The only bright spot was little or no wind.  Most acclimated plants like spinach, kale, etc. can survive temps in the low teens with little or no damage if they are dry and there is no wind.   If we get sleet and freezing rain before the snow, I'm sure there will be damage.  Still, it's fun to be still harvesting this late in the season.  Party on.

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