Friday, June 7, 2024

Ups and Downs

       Once again in the Bizzaro world that is the Republican party we see the deficit hawks decrying the present state of the national finances.   We are $34 trillion in debt they say and the only way out is to slash the social safety net and any discretionary spending.   What they don't tell you is a non trivial portion of the debt, indeed most of it was added under Republican administrations.  As Paul Krugman points out in today's NYT, all it would take to stabilize the debt would be to raise taxes by 2.1%...crickets is all you would hear from them regarding this proposal.

     Meanwhile, in honor of D-Day, president Biden commemorated all the "losers and suckers" who died in defense of democracy.   Of course the losers and suckers comment was uttered by the former guy who refused to visit a WW2 cemetery because the weather might muss his hair.

     We face a crisis this November.  The choice is between a fundamentally decent man and an addled mountebank who will do or say anything to regain power.  Stay tuned.

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