Wednesday, June 5, 2024

a convicted criminal for president?

     I know there is an irreducible minimum of about 35% of the electorate who would wade through a field of broken glass to vote for tRump for president.  These people make up the "basket of deplorables" who likely embrace their inner Nazi on a regular basis.  They are for the most part racist, homophobic and misogynist and in a just society they would be shunned.  

     There is another 10-15% who do not fit the above description but are still willing to vote for a convicted criminal for a variety of reasons, mostly political or economic.  they are also still open to persuasion.   tRump won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by a total of around 80,000 votes.  It may seem cynical,  but Democrats need to put a huge push in those three states to ensure a Biden victory in November.   That includes making tRump's new status of convicted criminal the number one issue.

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