Tuesday, June 4, 2024


        Mexican voters elected their first woman president over the weekend.   It is amazing that a macho culture like the one that prevails in Mexico would elect a woman before the USA.   Of course, both major party candidates were women, so it is hard to tell what would have happened if Claudia Scheinbaum had run against a man.  However, she garnered over  58% of the vote, so she may well have won regardless of the sex of her opponent.

      I'm afraid the only way a woman can get elected in America is if both Democrats and Republicans nominate women for president.  Once this hurdle is overcome, the idea a woman can lead the country should be normalized.  Although, Barack Obama's election has not done that for Black men.  His election sparked a backlash which shows no sign of receding.   Hopefully 2 women of color will compete in 2028.  Wouldn't that be something.

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